  • 产品名称:AUSTRALBiologicals

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AUSTRAL Biologicals offers custom research services and novel biological products for researchers in the life sciences worldwide. Founded: In 1991, as a California Corporation, the President is Cecilia Collados AUSTRALBiologicals Headquarters: San Ramon, California USA Facilities: It is considered a small business to serve the scientific research community AUSTRALBiologicals

AUSTRAL Biologicals

Austral Biologicals is a trademark of Ango Inc.

主营产品:蛋白 抗体

What We Do

AUSTRAL Biologicals at a Glance

AUSTRAL Biologicals offers custom research services and novel biological products for researchers in the life sciences worldwide.

Founded: In 1991, as a California Corporation, the President is Cecilia Collados

Headquarters: San Ramon, California USA

Facilities: It is considered a small business to serve the scientific research community

Sales: We serve Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Australia, and the Americas directly or through distributors located in different countries

Research Expertise: Monoclonal and Polyclonal antibody services; Protein purification and stability studies

Number of Products carried: We offer over 450 products, some of which are sold exclusively by AUSTRAL Biologicals.

AUSTRAL Biologicals serves the needs of researchers in the life sciences by supplying cutting-edge biological reagents and custom services at minimal cost. We offer:

Cutting-Edge Products

Growth Factors (GF) - EGF, IGF I, IGF II, IGF Binding Proteins, PDGF-AA, PDGF-BB, NGF, TNF, FGF and receptors for these ligands and their antibodies.

Infectious Agents (INF) - HBV, HCV, HDV, HSV, CMV, HIV-1, HIV-2, HTLV-I, HTLV-II, HPV, HRV, Hanta, Helicobacter pylori and Vibrio cholerae, Fish Pathogens, as well as their antibodies

Transcription Agents (TRS) - antigens, monclonal and polyclonal antibodies

Custom Services

Custom Monoclonal Services

Custom Polyclonal Antibody Services

Protein Purification and Characterization


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