  • 产品名称:Immunotools

  • 产品型号:COL4α1
  • 产品厂商:Immunotools
  • 产品文档:
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S-sized antibodies - purified 20µg/100µl, Biotin-conjugated 10µg/100µl, fluorescence-conjugated 100µl - cat.n° + SImmunotools R-sized antibodies - purified 100µg/100µl, Biotin-conjugated 50µg/100µl, fluorescence-conjugated 500µl - cat.n° L-sized antibodies - purified 300µg/300µl, Biotin-conjugated 150µg/300µl, fluorescence-conjugated 2ml - cat.n° + X2Immunotools


Immunotools AntibodiesR-size starting from 69 €, L-size starting from 139 €,
for S-size please contact info@immunotools.de

On this site you can find the following:

functional antibodies
anti-human CDantigens
anti-human antigens
Isotype Controls
Apoptosis: Annexin V and Lectin
premixed antibody combinations
anti-bovine and anti-porcine
secondary antibodies
These links lead you directly to the refering parts of our catalogue.
Please see below the complete range.

S-sized antibodies - purified 20µg/100µl, Biotin-conjugated 10µg/100µl, fluorescence-conjugated 100µl - cat.n° + S
R-sized antibodies - purified 100µg/100µl, Biotin-conjugated 50µg/100µl, fluorescence-conjugated 500µl - cat.n°
L-sized antibodies - purified 300µg/300µl, Biotin-conjugated 150µg/300µl, fluorescence-conjugated 2ml - cat.n° + X2

Premixed Antibody Combinations-
anti-human 2 colour reagent for only 79 €, anti-human 3 colour reagent for only 99 €

anti- human 2-colour reagent:CD3/CD4, CD3/CD8, CD4/CD8

anti-human 3-colour reagent:CD3/CD4/CD45, CD3/CD8/CD45, CD4/CD8/CD45, CD4/CD8/CD3, CD3/CD4/CD19

anti-human CDantigens:CD1a, CD2, C3/C3b/iC3b, CD3, CD4, CD5, CD6, CD7, CD8, CD9, CD10, CD11a, CD11b, CD11c, CD13, CD14, CD15, CD16, CD17, CD18, CD19, CD20, CD21, CD22, CD23, CD24, CD25, CD26, CD27, CD28, CD29, CD30, CD31, CD32, CD33, CD34, CD35, CD36, CD37, CD38, CD40, CD41, CD41a, CD42b, CD43, CD44, CD45, CD45RA, CD45RB, CD45RO, CD46, CD47, CD48, CD49b, CD49d, CD49f, CD50, CD51, CD52, CD53, CD54, CD55, CD56, CD57, CD58, CD59, CD61, CD62E, CD62L, CD62P, CD63, CD66ade (CEACAM1/3/5), CD66adecb (CEACAM1/3/5/6/8), CD66b (CEACAM8), CD66c (CEACAM6), CD66de (CEACAM3/5), CD66e (CEACAM5), CD66eb (CEACAM5/8), CD66ecb (CEACAM5/6/8), CD69, CD70, CD71, CD72, CD73, CD74, CD80, CD86, CD90, CD95, CD97, CD98, CD99, CD99R, CD103, CD105, CD106, CD108, CD116, CD117, CD122, CD131, CD138, CD139, CD147, CD162, CD177, CD195, CD222, CD235a, CD235ab, CD314

anti-human antigens:ANCA, BDNF, Cox-1, dsDNA, EMMPRIN/CD147, Factor H, Follicular Dentritic Cells, anti-FITC, FoxP3, Granzyme B, Granzyme K, HLA-ABC, HLA-Class I, HLA-Class II, HLA-DR, HLA-DR+DP, IgE, IFN alpha, IFNgamma, IL-1beta, IL-4, IL-6, IL-7, IL-8/CXCL8, IL-10, IL-12p40, IL-15, IL-18, Kappa chain, Lambda chain, MCP-2/CCL8, MCP-3/CCL7, MIP-1 alpha, NT4, NTAL, p53, hu-PrP, Syk, TNFa, TSLP, TSLPR, tTG

anti-mouse:C3/C3b/iC3b, CD3, CD3e, CD3z(CD247), CD4, CD5, CD8, CD8a, CD9, CD11a, CD11b, CD18, CD19, CD25, CD28, CD29, CD32/16, CD34, CD35/21, CD40L, CD44, CD45, CD45R, CD45RB, CD45RC, CD48, CD49d, CD49f, CD54, CD55(DAF), CD59, CD62L, CD70, CD80, CD81(TAPA-1), CD86, CD90(THY1.1), CD117, CD134, CD134L, CD154, CD247(CD3z), CD252, mCR1/2, dsDNA, Erythoid Cell,FoxP3,Gr-1, IFNgamma, IL-2, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12p40, MHCII A-E, NK-cells, TCR α/β, TCR γ/δ

anti-humanIT-boxes with 100 conjugated antibodies - each vial contains 100µl -
IT-Box 140(FITC, PE, PerCP, PE/Dy647) and
IT-Box 141(FITC, PE, APC, PE/Dy647 )
anti-mouseIT-box with 78 conjugated antibodies - each vial contains 100µl
IT-Box m278(FITC, PE, APC)

anti-rat:CD2, CD4, CD5, CD8a, CD8b, CD11a, CD11b/c, CD25, CD43, CD44, CD45, CD45RA/B,CD45RC, CD48, CD54, CD62L, CD71, CD90(THY1.1), CD152, CD161(NK-cells), CD172a, CD200, Dendritic Cells, dsDNA, Endothelium, Ig kappa chain, T-cells, TCR α/β , TCR γ/δ

anti-bovine:CD20, CD21, CD46, CD54, PrP, recombinant PrP

anti-porcine:CD20, CD21, CD29, CD47, CD58, CD105

anti-equine: IL-3, IL-17

Isotype controlfor flow cytometry unconjugated and Biotin-, FITC-, PE-, PE/Dy590-, Dy647- and APC-conjugated

secondary antibodies:dsDNA, anti-FITC, goat anti-mouse, goat anti-rabbit, horse anti-rabbit, mouse anti-rabbit

Apoptosis:Lectin(narcissus pseudonarcissus apoptosis), Annexin V

Streptavidin:Poly-HRP Streptavidin, Streptavidin


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